Geocaching Association of Lithuania
What’s Geocaching? Geocaching is a free real-world treasure hunt happening right now, all around you. It’s a lifestyle activity dedicated to exploring in Lithuania and the world. There are millions of geocaches worldwide. Geocaches are found in parks, urban areas, forests, deserts, on top of mountains, underwater — pretty much anywhere you can imagine. There are probably a few near you right now… Take your bike, jump into the car or just walk through the city… to find it. But remember to take your GPS device or a smartphone with you – satellites will show you the way.
There are about 3 million geocaches currently published in 191 countries. The world geocaching community consists of more than 2 million active members. Meanwhile, there are about 7500 active geocaches and more than active 1600 members in Lithuania.
Geocaching isn’t a well-known activity in Lithuania. So, we established the Geocaching Association of Lithuania in order to unite our growing community on Feb. 21, 2020. Since then, we have set ourselves several goals:
- to raise awareness of geocaching as a beneficial leisure activity;
- to promote Lithuania at International level;
- to organise cultural, cognitive and sports events to the community;
- to promote Geocaching in education and tourism promotion purposes;
- to represent the members of the Association;
- to protect their legitimate interests in the wide spectrum of organisations.